Patient Safety simplified

Patient Safety simplified

Across political party lines, different ideologies exist concerning patient safety. The ideological divide that exists in the patient safety is between the liberal point of view and the conservative view. This is between the Democrats and the Republicans.  The liberal philosophy tends to believe in a commitment to a better health care, which ensures that proper measures are put in place to ensure the safety of the patient is safeguarded.

Patient Safety simplified

It also promotes an individual freedom as well as ensuring considerateness for malice hence making patient safety a priority (Myers, 2012). The conservative thought, on the other hand, comes with various strands. They encourage less government intervention in health care and hence this may lead to ineffective patient safety measures being put in place. 

Patient Safety – A New Healthcare Discipline | Faber Infinite

Patient Safety simplified

The issues of the patient safety also vary depending on the geographic states one comes in. States, which have properly installed safety measures, records fewer cases of injuries or deaths caused by the negligence of the health care providers. States, which lacks proper measures, records a higher number of patient safety negligence cases.

Patient Safety simplified

Patient Safety simplified

Patient safety is an endemic concern according to the world health organization (Salas & Frush, 2013). In the 1990s, many countries reported cases of patients killed or harmed by the medical errors across the globe. This necessitated countries to come up with measures that ensure their patient health is safeguarded and improved. It was noted as a global problem with the prevalence of adverse effects.

Patient Safety - OECD

Patient Safety simplified

Patient safety is still an issue of concern in the United States as compared to other developed countries in the world. Countries like Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Sweden ranks better than the United States in issues of the patient safety (Myers, 2012). However, United States ranks better than the Middle East and African countries in matters relating to the patient safety issues.

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