Personal Values and Beliefs

Personal Values and Beliefs

Several values and spiritual belief guide me in my profession. Values can be defined as an individual set of beliefs and attitudes to a given set of behavior, thought or object. According to Callara (2012), they are usually action-oriented, and they tend to give meaning to a persons’ life. Many consider them as a starting point for both ethics and morality.


Personal Values and Beliefs

On the other hand, health policy is plans, actions, and decisions undertaken to achieve health care goals within a community or population. A person’s value originates or seems to develop over their lifetime. The concepts of morals, values and ethics can be seen to be interlinked. They define how human treats one another. It is expected that we should strive to make sure that we treat each other well to promote mutual welfare, creativity and growth.

My personal values are responsibility, honesty and intelligence. Honesty has been inculcated in me through being a member of Jehovah witness whereas accountability and knowledge have been developed through extensive training. My spiritual belief revolves around Jehovah God. According to psalms (83:18), there is only one Jehovah God who is the Most High over all the earth.

 Jehovah witness believe they are fully integrated with no class, ethnic, racial or social divisions, they advocate peaceful coexistence and they do not participate in warfare. In addition, they believe in the bible, as their source of learning. My firm convictions is that people should strive to offer quality healthcare services at an affordable price. The health care provider, while maintaining a close relationship with the patient, should do this, as it is the belief enshrined in the America health care policy (DeNisco & Barker, 2016).


Personal Values and Beliefs

Through the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the American people realize the provision of quality care integration. Moreover, patient safety measures have been developed to ensure that the health of the patients is substantially protected. Furthermore, policies have designed to discourage the mercy killings and hence ensuring that the sanctity of life is left to Jehovah God.

There are several ethical principles, which are seen to be in line with my personal beliefs and values. One of them is the principle of no maleficence, which serves to guide nurses against causing injury or sufferings to their patients. The principle of beneficence makes it a core principle of the nurses to do well and to have the compassion for the patients. The autonomy principle also ensures that decision made by the patients are respected. The principle of justice, on the other hand, ensures that all patients are treated equally and justly.

Responsibility being one of my core value will make me ensures justice is practiced in all aspects. Besides, the principle of fidelity being enshrined in what I believe in, which ensures that the nurses keep patients’ information confidential, done through being honest both in oneself and to the patient. By believing in the patients’ interest and being always safeguarded, the principle of totality and integrity is maintained (Hitchcock, Schubert, & Thomas, 2013).

Defining Your List of Values and Beliefs (with 102 examples)

Personal Values and Beliefs

Several factors have led to my current perspective on the health policy. First, my religious doctrine has instilled some virtues such as honesty in me. The Jehovah witness religion guides on why integrity should be incorporated in everyday life. My professional experiences, education, and skills have instilled intelligence. This is through years of training in my relevant field.

My personal convictions on the current issues arising from the patient safety has dinned my personal belief on responsibility. I firmly believe that patients should be treated in a manner that ensures safety is safeguarded. Moreover, I support the policies regarding holding the nurses responsible for any carelessness that may cause injury to the patient. Negligence, therefore, should greatly be discouraged. All the health care community and stakeholders should be responsible.

Personal Values and Beliefs

Several inconsistencies that are existing in the health policy are not in alignment with my personal values. The policies that are supporting mercy killings are gaining support from several quotas (Stein-Parbury, 2013). It is against my personal belief since Jehovah God is solemnly responsible for taking it away. Besides, I do not believe on policies giving the patient a right to determine whether to end their life or not.

Furthermore, there are policies, which have been developed, which mainly tends to safeguard the nurses against negligence in their offering of services. Every nurse should be responsible for any harm caused either to the patient, done intentionally or through a bad motive. Besides, patient safety measures have not been adequately enforced in my country.

Personal Values, Beliefs, and Assumptions as a Teacher Leader by Sandra  Mitchell

Personal Values and Beliefs

The insight, incorporated in me from the situation above, is wide. First, I have been able to understand the reasons behind some states endorsing mercy killing while others do not. Moreover, I have an in-depth knowledge of policies that safeguarded the quality of healthcare in America. Besides, I have understood the different measures that can be applied by the government to make sure that affordable health care is guaranteed to its citizens.


Conclusively, it may be argued that not every value is beneficial. Besides, nurses act best according to the values they have selected.  Nurses are one of the health care providers who should give services to their clients based on ethical principles. Moral knowledge is, therefore, critical in their functioning to ensure proper and safe delivery. Besides, it is the responsibility of nurses to ensure that they uphold safe care to their patients. It is hence evident that ethical values are integral components of the community.


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