Taking Action

A social issue is a matter relating to the society’s point of view of people’s personal lives. A social issue is also known as a social ill or a social problem. Different cultures have different views on various issues(Gradner, 2015).. What may seem like a significant social issue in one society is likely to appear like just a normal behavior in another society. Social issues and economic issues are different. Certain matters like immigration have both economic and social aspects. However, there are also issues, which, do not fall under any category. War is an example of such issues. Currently, so many social issues take place in our country daily (Porter, 2015).

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Taking Action

In our current world today, social problems exist everywhere in our society. Poverty and other economic related issues tend to be the ones people are blamed for. A good example is illegal immigrants. A good number of the American citizen tend to believe that illegal immigrants have led to poverty and economy issues, making American economy and country worse. Less than one million immigrants arrive in America every year. Due to this, the United States has been branded a nation of immigrants.

The United States acts as a ‘melting pot’ of so many different religions, cultures, and races in the world. The past of these immigrants has aided the Americans in molding a national character (Porter, 2015). For the past many years, various cultural, ethnic and social groups have found their way to America seeking to reunite with their loved ones as well as to find an economic opportunity. In addition, to find a safe place for spiritual and partisan persecution.

Taking Action

Among the adverse effects of the illegal immigrants are the odd jobs they do and the low wages they receive, which is even paid in cash. Due to this, the aliens are not subject to federal levy deductions(Porter, 2015). This hurts the U.S. government. However, there are various positive impacts associated with the illegal immigration. Some of these positive results are, complementing the skilled employees, increasing the income of the U.S. families, performing manual jobs and many others. Like the native immigrants, they are also drawn to the expansion of cities, making it harder to make a firm conclusion concerning the causal effect of immigrants inflows on the growth of population (Gradner, 2015).

 Unlike the natives, they (immigrants) are attracted to cities with the historical importance of earlier immigrants. There is a popular accessibility of immigrants accessing the U.S. Thus America has become a country of immigrants. Currently, the United States lets in about 1.25 million immigrants annually. The impact caused by this mass migration is controversial due to their size and composition. Around 35 to 40% of the new arrivals are undocumented immigrants from Central America and Mexico.

Taking Action

These immigrants always have limited education and English skill. Immigrants from the Asian countries such as China and India are always highly skilled(Gradner, 2015). However, people of the current immigration policy often emphasize the presumed adverse effects of poorly skilled individuals in the overall economy. The fact that even the highly skilled immigrants are non-whites lead to the growing presence of visible minorities in the United States’ population. The visible minority should be a negative impact though it should be embraced.

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Taking Action

The immigration issue on average wages of the native workers is very significant since it is not a negative consequence but a positive one if carefully examined. The native –born who are skilled always have to choose between not working in three fields at all and accepting low wages. It has been estimated by the labor economist that the undocumented laborers have led to the lowering of the wages of the U.S. grown –ups with no diplomas. According to the economists, the undocumented workers complete the skilled workers as opposed to competing with them. When the workers are specialized, and tasks divided amongst themselves, economies are said to work best.

The issue of illegal immigration so far has become a major social problem and hard to deal with (Porter, 2015). With constantly changing laws and the views of the people becoming more of the idea. The two sides of the political arena are fighting to get their point across. Politicians from the Republican believe that poor immigrants should be stopped going to the U.S. while affluent immigrants should be allowed in. This is racial profiling, and it is illegal in the U.S. On the other hand; the Democrats are for the idea that the immigrants should be allowed to enter the U.S., as this will help in bringing the economy prosperity to all.

Taking Action

Besides, there are other bills related to immigrations and immigrants. One such a bill is   The Immigration Bill. This bill was discussed during the first session of the 113 congresses, where over a dozen immigration bills have introduced in the House of Representatives. However, by the end of 2013, no bill had been discussed by the legislature. The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.

This bill was passed in 2013 by the Democrats in the House of Representatives when they proposed a reform bill on immigration, addressing legalization of the undocumented immigrant’s interior enforcement of immigration laws and border security. Among other bills, The American United Act bill was formed. This is a bipartisan immigration bill that focuses on immigration reforms in a particular way laying focus on the amendments to the system, which address the separation of immigrants from their U.S. families.

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Taking Action

The Honorable,

[Room #] [Building Name] House Office Building

The United States House of Representatives

Washington, D.C. 20515

Re: Understanding H.R. 3431: The American Families United Act

Dear Representative,

Am writing to urge you to table a motion in the House of Representatives calling a review and for the full implementation of the bill, Understanding H.R. 3431: The American Families United Act.

Taking Action

This bill is bipartisan that approaches immigration reforms from a very different angle, unlike other bills. This bill focuses on amendments to the system, which addresses the separation of immigrants from their U.S. families. This bill suggested that the government officials ought to waive minor violations of the law, however, it fails to create the right mechanism for the legalization of unregistered immigrants.

Illegal immigration is an ongoing issue that is of much significance in the U.S. currently. This issue has been ignored for a long time. However, it has reached a point it cannot be ignored anymore. About 54% of the illegal immigrants access America through Mexico border (Trevino, 2012). Starting from the early 1980s, the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has highly increased, forcing the Citizens and the illegal immigrants, to take action to create an even –handed solution in the interest of both the citizens and the illegal immigrants.

Taking action for social change

Taking Action

This method, however, has proved hard since it is still an issue to date. Here the argument is that the illegal immigrants are taking jobs meant for the citizens, hurting the economy, destroying the American culture and the way of life. In addition, the illegal immigrants are the ones responsible for the increase rates of crimes and trafficking of the drugs.

Still, a good number of people are convinced that immigrants are good people who never interfere with the American culture. Difference opinions concerning the illegal immigrant have resulted in chaos, which is, yet to be resolved. Focus should be laid on creating a justified and reasonable solution to this pressing and controversial debate, which has divided the U.S. into anti and-pro-immigration beliefs.

Taking Action

I have used various credible sources that have helped me in writing this letter. Having lived in both Mexico and America, am well aware of both sides of the argument. Also, I have witnessed the frustration and controversy, which, goes along with immigration. In my opinion, the above bill ought to be looked into again and no waiver should be accorded to minors immigrants.


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